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Stephen Haigh
- Owner
- Manufacturing Jeweller - Since 1984
Matthew Gray
FGA FGAA Dip DT Dip Gem(Val)
- Manufacturing Jeweller – Since 1999
- Gemmologist – Since 2002
- Registered Valuer – Since 2004
- Diamond Technologist - Since 2003
- HRD Diamond Grader
- Pearl Grader
Ian Kent
- Apprentice Jeweller - 3rd year
Amy Ivey
- Digital Marketing Manager
- Administration Assistant
- Retail Assistant

Debra Haigh
- Owner
- Gemmologist – Since 1992
- Registered Valuer – Since 1995
- Diamond Technologist - Since 1997
- Diamond Grader
- Pearl Grader
- Office Assistant
- Retail Assistant

Richelle Allen

James Shelton
- Retail Assistant
- Office Assistant
- Valuer’s Assistant
- Gemmology Student - 2nd year
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